Some Dogs Do by Jez Alborough

Picture of Some Dogs Do

Some Dogs Do, by Jez Alborough

This is a magical story which really gets the imagination working, my children love this story and they are always really happy & excited after it. The story is about Sid a dog who sets off to school one day and on his way he discovers he can fly, he is really happy and excited and asks his best friend Ben “Did you see me fly just then?” “Don’t be daft” said Ben “Dogs don’t fly.”

Nobody believed Sid and when he tried to show them he wasn’t able to fly again, that day he went home feeling sad, he tried to do the things he normally did but something just wasn’t right.

Then as he sat looking up at the sky, his Dad came out to chat and see what was wrong with Sid, soon Sid discovered his Dad had a secret!

Once Sid learned the secret he was a very happy pup from then on. This is a lovely story to read with lots of rhyme so very easy for children to follow and easy for parents to read it gives a positive message to children and adults to believe in yourself and keep on trying and to always believe in your dreams.

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